Many times users want to build 3dSolid models inside CAD engines to visualize, check volumes or 3d print. Here is some procedures to help you get started.
To transfer point groups from one drawing to another, you can use Civil3D’s built-in LandXML export and import tools.
You may have wished to fill your parcels to highlight the areas but found there isn’t a way to designate the fill transparency. The resulting fill blots out everything (even some parcel lines). Here is a workaround (using layers) to achieve it.
We have reached a fork in the road on our Civil/Survey and Mapping add-ons. For years we attempted to provide one package that ran inside plain CAD engines as well as Civil3D while using the best objects available. The problem is that it meant a weaker (than possible) Civil3D connection, prevented us from adding tools only (currently) possible in Civil3D and created confusion on what parts used Civil3D objects.
Windows users often ignore their TEMP folder. It’s a junkyard where old files (and folders) live even though the application that created them has long since been shut down. Well behaved applications keep track of the files they create there and remove them on completion of the task. However sometimes applications crash, or they just aren’t programmed to clean up after themselves.