There are times within every project where something (or many things) can gum up the works and slow your group’s productivity. The question is how prepared you are tor them in advance and how you react when they do happen. When you hit a snag and one or more team members end up spending hours doing repetitive tasks, do you dare bill for all that time?
When gravity and moisture begins to work on steep slopes (disturbed or natural) the results are often less than optimal and slides occur. This can present the need to install anchor bolts and plates going from the loose surface to a more stable rock strata underneath. Boreholes can help determine the location of the stable strata, but from the surface it’s not readily apparent how far (on a given slope) you will need to drill to reach the stable member. Read More →
When Autodesk first introduced the Set Location tool (on the Insert tab) in 2016 we briefly experimented with it, thought it to be confusing at best and ignored it. It was a couple years later when someone sent us a drawing started this way that we determined it to be dangerous at the least.
November 4th, 2016 was a day to remember, as Autodesk had just released a 16.2 revision to Civil3D that provided what initially appeared to be some useful improvements to the Civil3D API (Application Programming Interface). A couple years before (11-29-2014) we had requested several improvements to the API to allow the creation and editing of FeatureLines on a level similar to polylines.