With many things in Civil3D, it’s not readily apparent what you need to do. Here is a step by step procedure on how to import FLT fault files. These files are ASCII files you can drag/drop into a notepad and you will see “#AdCADD DTM 12.00 User defined fault file” followed by numerous lines of coordinates.
Create a surface if you haven’t already:
- Select the Prospector Tab on the Toolspace panel.
- Right click Surfaces and choose create surface.
- Optionally specify a different surface name.
- Click OK to create the surface.
- Expand the surfaces branch and your surface.
Add the fault file to the definition.
- Right click the Brealines item under your surface definition.
- In the Add Breaklines dialog, choose Type: From File
- Optionally change the link option, we choose to break the link.
- Click the OK button.
- Navigate to your FLT file and select it.
You may need to zoom extents to see the contents of the fault file.