Deleting parcels (by name) in Civil3D can sometimes be difficult. Right clicking the parcel name doesn’t work, erase on the parcel label does nothing. Here is a step-by-step procedure to quickly delete multiple parcels by name, without picking a single segment.

All operations will take place in the ToolSpace panel, Prospector tab.

  1. Click the [+] to expand Sites.
  2. Right Click on Site and choose New.
  3. Enter an easily recognizable name like TRASH, click OK.
  4. Click the [+] on the Site currently containing the Parcels.
  5. Highlight and Right Click Parcels in the site.
  6. Choose Move to Site.
  7. Make sure TRASH is the destination site.
  8. Check on ONLY the parcels to delete, click OK.
  9. Click the [+] on the TRASH site, and then [+] Parcels.
  10. Verify the TRASH site contains only the parcels to delete.
  11. Right click the TRASH site, click Delete, confirm.

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