The Leading Developer of Add-on
Utilities for AutoCAD® & Compatibles

CAD Productivity


 ■ MapWorks for:
   ▪ AutoCAD
   ▪ BricsCAD
   ▪ Civil3D
   ▪ IntelliCAD
   ▪ CivilTables
   ▪ GeoLocPlus
   ▪ LegalReader
   ▪ LegalWriter
   ▪ LidarTools

DWG Compatibles

 ■ Excel2DWG

Revit Add-ons

 ■ RevitOffice+


MapWorks is Civil/Survey and GIS Tools software for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Civil3D, and IntelliCAD. It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more.

Adaptive Engine: On Autodesk's Civil3D and BricsCAD Pro+ the application reads and creates the application objects! On plain AutoCAD and IntelliCAD the application uses the best native objects possible (such as dynamic blocks) to achieve the best results possible.

Easy Installation: The install program adds the application so that it is automatically loaded with your CAD application. Add MapWorks functionality to third party software and custom menus without problems. Control the application with your choice of command line entry, pull-down menu, or ribbon interface.

AC: AutoCAD 2015-2025   BC: BricsCAD v24 Pro+
C3: Civil3D 2015-2024   IC: IntelliCAD 10.0+

AC BC C3 IC Graphic
Alignment Ribbon
Geotech Ribbon
Curves Ribbon
Draw Ribbon
EntityData Ribbon
Figures Ribbon
Images Ribbon
Label Ribbon
Parcels Ribbon
Pipes Ribbon
PolyContour Ribbon
Points Ribbon
Profiles Ribbon
Projections Ribbon
Sections Ribbon
Surfaces Ribbon
Tools Ribbon

  Pulldown Menu Example

Compatible With:
AutoCAD 2015-2024 Compatible BricsCAD Pro Compatible Civil3D 2015-2019 Compatible IntelliCAD Compatible  
Column Abbreviations
AC: AutoCAD 2015-2025
BC: BricsCAD v24 Pro+
C3: Civil3D 2015-2025
IC: IntelliCAD 10.0+
2015-2025 v20 Pro
or Higher
2015-2025 10.0
or Higher

Base Tools

Extended Data AC BC C3 IC
  Introduction: On the Civil3D engine, the data can be AECC PropertySet Data, Map3D Object Data, or CAD Extended Data (XDATA). On BricsCAD, AutoCAD and IntelliCAD it is limited to XDATA.        
Manager: Allows xdata management operations across a selection set of objects. Includes editing, export capabilities along with column control.
Extended Data Draw Video Data Draw: Draw geometry (hatches, mtext, inserts) based on values in extended data.
Floating Editor: Edits the extended entity data on a single object. Dockable palette automatically shows extended data when object is selected.
Acquire Contained: Used to quickly set entity data values of linear closed objects to values of nodal objects contained within them.
Prop Exchange: Transfer data between entity properties and extended data on a selection set of objects.
  Other Tools:
Break: Breaks the selected object at the points specified, all resulting objects have the entity data of the original.
Copy: Copies the entity data from one object to a selection set of objects.
Delete: Deletes all entity data (all tables) from a selection set of objects.
Elevate: Set the elevation of a selection set by one of it's entity data values.
Explode: Explodes the selected object, all resulting objects have the entity data of the original.
Find: Used to find objects containing a designated field name or value.
Highlight: Highlight objects that have entity data present (or absent).
Label: Creates mtext labels at centroid containing object data fields and values.
Image Process AC BC C3 IC
Image Symbol Place Video Symbols: Go straight from your GPS enabled camera to CAD! Locates symbols representing GPS Photos (with EXIF data) directly from images. Creates a hyperlink to the image, projects to drawing system, rotates to view (if bearing data exists), and more.
Image Inspect Video Link Inspect: Shows linked images in a resizable preview window as you move the crosshair over objects (such as polyline house outlines) containing links.
Image TMS Tiles Video TMS Images: Builds insert-able images from TMS (Tile Map Service) servers. Produce plan view maps, satellite imagery or terrain images.
GeoRef Insert: Places geotagged photos in plan view at projected coordinates with leaders pointing to location of photo.
  GPS Update: Select inserts with hyperlinks and updates the GPS EXIF (geotagging information) in source images. Adds GPS properties to images that never had geotag information.
Plot Rasters: Plots multiple layouts to rasters at specified resolution and creates companion world files.
  Resolution: Change (lower) the resolution of a selection set of image while maintaining size and position.
  World: Inserts multiple TIF/JPG/PNG/SID images based on world files or creates a World TFW/JGW/PGW/SDW file from a selected image (even rotated).
Other Tools AC BC C3 IC
Scale/Rotate: Processes a selection set at their insertion points.
Attr Flip/Move: Great for maintaining readability on labels.
Elevate by Attr: Sets the elevation of inserts by the value of one of its attributes.
Calculator: Dialog based tool to calculate all curve parameters based on two known values.
  Complement: Generates the complement for a selected arc.

Controlled Fit: Generates a fit arc or circles through multiple points. Toggle or control weights with interactive feedback of the curve results.
  Pnt, Pnt, Pnt: Draws an arc object though three picked points in any direction.
Pnt, Tan, Tan: Draws an arc through a point with two selected tangent segments.
  Quick Fit: Draws a fit arc through multiple picked points along path.
  Rad, Pnt, Pnt: Generates an arc object from known endpoints and radius.
  Radius, Direction: Generates an arc object based on known Radius, Direction In/Out.
  Tangent: Draws a tangent arc from the endpoint of a selected line/polyline segment.
Map Grid: Draws a map grid with optional lines/tics and labels.
Network Buffer: Creates buffer polylines around line network.
  Point File: Draws the contents of an X,Y,Z ascii file as points.
Slope Lines: Draws three dimensional slope lines between two linear objects with optional slope arrows.
Thiessen Polygons: Creates Thiessen polygons (Voronoi Diagram) from a selection of points and a boundary.
  Traverse: Draw polylines by distances and numerous angle options.
  Pick Object: Quick change elevation by selecting objects with proper elevation.
Import: Imports the plan view map section of a SWMM .INP file along with tables.
Make Input: Makes EPA SWMM input file from selected named boundaries.
Surface: Generates surfaces from z values in EPA SWMM Report file.
  Coordinate: Labels coordinates at picked points with user customizable block. Values update on regen if moved/copied, etc.
  Curve 1 Pick: Labels a curve at picked point on arc/polyarc segments.
  Curve 3 Points: Labels curve data based on any three picked points.
  Dir/Dist 1 Pick: Labels direction/distance with one pick on linear segment.
  Dir/Dist 2 Points: Labels direction & distance with two endpoint picks.
  Linear Objects: Labels direction/distance, curve parameters and area (if closed) on a selection set.
  Polyline Data: Labels area/perimeter data on a selection set of closed polylines.

Legends: Generates (and updates) a symbol legend and/or linetype legend reflecting those objects actually used in the drawing. The symbol legend can contain normal block inserts.
  Best Fit: Creates a best fit line (using Linear Regression) through multiple points.
  Tangent: Draws a tangent line from the endpoint of a selected arc/polyarc segment.
Linetypes: Quickly create symbolic linetypes (arrows, bullets, numbers, shapes, etc) or text based linetypes based on characters you enter.
Map FileGDB: Import and Export *.GDB folders directly to/from CAD geometry (with extended data).
Map File Export Video Map Export: Export drawing geometry to several formats.
● Autodesk Breakline File (*.flt)
● Carlson SurvCADD Polyline File (*.pln)
● ESRI Generate Polyline File (*.gen)
● ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
● Golden Software Blanking/Boundary (*.bln)
  ● GeoJSON Open Standard (*.geojson)
● GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)
● MapInfo Data Interchange Format (*.mif/mid)
● Moss/MX Genio String Files (*.mos)
● OpenGIS Simple Features Text (*.txt)
Map File Import Video Map Import: Import major formats produced by ESRI, civil applications and government agencies. This tool allows you to select multiple files and quickly import mapping information directly into your CAD drawing. Our Import tool has been tested with massive files, including a 3GB SHP/DBF from a major city.
• Autodesk Breakline File (*.flt)
• Carlson SurvCADD Polyline File (*.pln)
• ContourGPS Export Files (*.csv)
• ESRI Generate Polyline File (*.gen;*.ung)
• ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
• GeoJSON Open Standard (*.geojson)
• Geography Markup Language (*.gml)
• Golden Software Blanking/Boundary (*.bln)
• Google Earth KMZ/KML Files (*.kmz,*.kml)
• GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)
  • LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• MapInfo Data Primary Format (*.tab)
• MapInfo Data Interchange Format (*.mif)
• Moss/MX Genio String Files (*.mos;*.inp)
• Norwegian SOSI Spatial Info (*.sos)
• NovaPoint Survey Data File (*.kof)
• OGC GeoPackage Files (*.gpkg)
• Open Street Map Files (*.osm)
• Ordnance Survey MasterMap GZip (*.gz)
• USGS Digital Line Graph (*.dlg;*.opt)

The import tool can do a coordinate projection during import. Simply assign source systems for each file (some auto detected) and a target system. If you don't see your format listed, contact us. We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.

Map Publish: Publish your drawing to KML (Google Earth) or HTM file using Google Maps or Leaflet to display the drawing in a browser. Push the html file to your web server and anyone (with an internet connection) can view the map using any type of device or browser.
Name Replace: Find/Replace names and descriptions in Civil objects (such as Alignments & Surfaces).
Parking Features Video Parking: Draw parking lot lines in rapid automation (see flash demo at left).
PolyContour Elevations Video Assign Elev: Assigns elevations to polyline contours by simply striking a line across the polylines. Turn a large flat topo drawing into a workable 3D contour drawing in a matter of minutes!
Delete Int: Deletes intermediate polyline contours. Reduce a dataset for quicker processing when intermediate contours are not important.
Elevations: Edit the elevations of polylines in a table with sorting and factor application commands.
  Group Tools: Group polyline contours under a name for other operations such as PolyContour Volumes, Stage Table and Stage Graph.
Label: Label polyline contours using CAD text linetypes. As the polyline is edited, the label moves with the changes.
Layer Index: Assigns polyline contours to specific layers based on its elevation value. Useful for layerizing a contour map with no (or improper) layer assignments.
Shape Read: Import contours from shapefiles with elevations and optionally layers assigned.
Volumes: Displays average contour area volumes from selected polylines, and can generate a stage storage graph from the table.
  Scale XYZ: Scales a selection set of objects with independent x,y,z scale factors.
Symbol Manager Video Symbols: A tool for managing both the symbols provided in MapWorks and your own user symbols.

Previews: You can assign a scale factor from 10% to 200% to resize the DWG preview bitmaps.
Details: A single click gives you operating system file details along with properties embedded in the drawing, as accessed from the DWGPROPS command.
Symbols: A large collection of symbols in the areas of arrows, mining, points, road plan, shapes, trees, utility, and vehicles can be downloaded with a single click inside the symbol manager.
Draw Text Along Objects Video Text Along: Draw text along linear objects such as lines, arcs, polylines, etc.
Transform: Transform (rubbersheet) object coordinates using three known points on two systems using Affine, Helmert or Sixparm transforms.
  Trimble: Tool for importing symbols and layers from Trimble Feature Definition (FXL) files.


      AC BC C3 IC
Tag Info: Assigns/edits centerline tag information such as name, beginning station.
Block Place: Places user blocks at station/offset positions with ability to populate attribute from source data.
  Join Multiple: Join multiple alignments into a single alignment, including labels.
Label Edges: Add string template based station/offset labels to alignment/sheet edges.
  Label Move: Moves a selection set of Station/Offset labels to a specified offset.
  Offsets: Label station/offsets values of individual points or a selection set of linear objects using a block or mleader. Labels are linked to the alignment so they update if moved or copied.
Point Add: Add cogo points based on stations and offsets with optional offset point connection.
Point Import: Import points from text files containing station/offset information.
  Point Rotate: Rotates a selection set of survey points to match the direction of the alignment segment (at it's station).
Point Inverse: Inverses between cogo points returning the distance along the alignment.
  Point UDP: Creates dynamically updated point UDP (user defined properties) on CogoPoints showing alignment station & offset.
Report: Generates a detailed report with alignment information with option to include ROW points with calculated station/offset and description.
Sample: Scans left/right at specified stations for intersection of relative figures. Optionally draws sample lines and cogo points.
  Snap Points: Pick an alignment, select CogoPoints, specify an offset (default is 0.0) and the CogoPoints snap to the alignment, even in curves.
Station: Labels alignments with station marks and other relevant information.
  Transparent: Inside any CAD command when prompted for a point, enter 'SO, station offset values and the point prompt completes with the appropriate station/offset location.
  Zoom: Zooms to a specified station on a selected alignment.


  Introduction: The term figure is used to describe many different linear object types. The tools are primarily designed to manipulate polylines but most work equally well with 3DPoly, LW/2DPoly, Spline and even Line and Arc objects. AC BC C3 IC
Acquire Props: Acquire derived properties (such as average slope) from other objects as PropSet data.
  Audit: Audits a selection set of figures for problems such as self intersection, etc.
  Break: Breaks a selection set of figures at specified distances, elevations, vertices, etc.
  Clockwise: Set the direction of a selection set of figures to Clockwise or Counterclockwise.
Close: Closes a selection set of figures by standard close or building close (adding the back corner).
Connect: Automatically connect points to form new figures. Specify description matches (like EP,BC,TC) to form multiples in a single process.
  Convert: Converts a selection set of figures to a designated type (such 2dPolylines with arcs, 3dPolylines, Splines, etc).
  Daylight: Draws daylight figure and extension lines at a specified slope to a selected surface.
  Delete Labels: Erases all labels on a selection set of figures.
Difference: Returns differences between a primary figure and another figure or a surface. Details including min/max, avg, median.
  Elevations: Raise, lower or flatten a selection set of figures. Surface options to set at the centroid, average of elevations along or inside figure.
  Extended Props: Reports and labels extended info on a selection set of figures.
  FeatureLines: Tools to modify FeatureLines specific capabilities including export, import and elevation points.
Grade: Applies grading to any portion of a 3D figure, adjusts elevations based on various parameters such as elevations entered, grade, plane, or projection method.
Label: When toggled on, displays tics & elevations at vertices, slopes and distance along segments. Aids all built-in editing by showing changes from any tool used. High/Low points are marked with suffixes like 123.45 HP and downhill is marked with arrows.
  Mark: Place a temporary marker at the centroid, common points, elevations, origin, or vertices of figures.
  Midway: Generates a figure (polyline or 3dpoly) midway between two selected figures.
  Mirror: Creates a mirrored FeatureLine from a selected figure.
Figure Linked Offsets Video Offsets:
Linked: Multiple horizontal and vertical offsets created and linked to a figure. If the figure changes by any operation (such as grip editing) the offsets are updated as well.
Standard: Unlinked offsets of multiple figures using horz/vert distance, flow direction.
  Origin: Changes the origin point of a selected closed figure.
  Output: Output the name, northing, easting, elevation and radius values of a selection set to various targets (Excel, Word, files).
  Points: Reports points (number, coordinates, distance, offset) along figures within tolerances.
Figure Project Surface Video Project: Project from a figure on a specified slope intersecting a surface. Simply move around the figure picking points to generate 3dPolylines.
  Remove: Convert arcs to multi-chord approximations in a selections set.
Report: Displays coordinates, direction/distance and curve details along with summary information.
  Restore: Restores true arc segments in figures with short segments approximating arcs.
  Scale: Tools to scale figures to specified area, length, etc.
  Select: Build a selection set of figures by area, length, elevation range and other parameters.
Adjust: Adjusts one end of a figure segment to a specified slope distance, specified elevation, or intersection of a selected surface.
Area Slide: Slides a selected segment in or out to obtain a designated area.
Reverse: Reverses all segments of a selection set of figures.
Straighten: Straightens segments between two picked points (by removing intermediate vertices).
  Snap: Snaps the vertices of a selection set of figures to nearby CogoPoint locations (with specified horz distance tolerance).
Subdivide: Subdivides a four point figure, useful in PLSS systems.
Summary: Generates a report of information on a selection set of figures, such as area and length, grades, elevations, etc.
  Traverse: Quickly draw figures primarily by distances using numerous angle options.  Very useful for house perimeters.
Commit: Commit secondary vertices on figures to primary vertices.
Densify: Densify figures by specifying distance along segments. Converts lines/arcs to polylines.
Fillet3d: Fillets a selection set of figures with corner rounding options.
Insert: Quickly insert vertices in an existing figure with various options.
Linear: Removes muliple vertices (unneeded) in a virtual straight line based on deflection.
TagEdit: Unique method to edit figure vertex elevations by changing temporary text tags.
Weed: Weed (remove) unnecessary vertices in a selection set of figures.


      AC BC C3 IC
Bore Editor: The borehole editor is designed for quick entry. Using short lithology codes and thickness, you can rapidly enter borehole information. There is no limit to additional attributes you can enter. Add (or insert) a column for entry of any type of field, text or numeric. Use column ordering tools to move fields left/right to match supplied drillers data or lab results. There is no limit to the number of rows, allowing detailed breakdowns of strata.

Along with the borehole data, you can also store any number of header fields, such as county, quad, driller, etc. Block attributes matching header fields are automatically populated on symbol placement.

Bore Import: Used to import boreholes from external files and supported databases.
• AGS Geology Projects (*.ags)
• Comma Separated Ascii (*.csv)
• CorePro Hole Files (*.hol)
  • Kentucky Geological Survey (*.kgs)
• gINT Project Databases (*.gpj)

If you don't see your format listed, contact us. We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.

Bore Export: Used to export boreholes in the drawing to Excel or external files.

Columns: This key visualization tool generates geologic columns inside the current drawing. Simple select the boreholes to process and add them to a sequence list. Control the offset (position from left) by a default offset or by station. This works by picking two points, the program calculates the stations and populates the grid.

The results (DWF Example) are highly detailed labeled graphics. Each column is bound as a block for easy movement in the drawing.

Cylinders: Generate 3D Cylinders at the real world coordinates representing the core data. Each cylinder is at the proper elevation with the thickness from the core data.
Data Points: Generate contourable points (CAD Point Objects) on separate layers from data with strata identifiers. This points can be modeled by any DTM software running inside CAD. When strata consists of multiple rows, the weighted average is calculated and used.
Strata Edit: Used to establish your strata lookup table. Consisting of the codes and corresponding long descriptions, along with default values for generated CAD graphics. A complete Ferm code file is supplied with the software.
Zoom: Quickly zooms to a selected borehole in the drawing.


      AC BC C3 IC
Coordinate Label Video Coordinates: Place coordinate labels that update (on next regen) when moved or copied.
Curve Label Video Curves: Place customizable curve labels using a single pick (arc or polyarc segment) or any three points.
Distance Label Video Distances: Draws distance labels (dimensions) along the segments of linear objects. Grip editing the object changes the distances.
Figure Dimensions Video Figures: Draws distance labels along the segments of figures (linear objects).
Leader Label Video Leader Labels: Label coordinates or segment data (linear or curve) in two picks. Total control over the appearance of the results (which fields with precision control) using a string template. Update all with a single command if moved.
Line/Curve Table Video Line/Curve Tables: Place (and manage) line/curve tags and place a customizable line or curve table in the drawing. After tags are added/removed you can simply update the table in a single command.
Label Linear Objects Video Linear Objects: Quickly label all the segments of a selection set of lines, arcs or polylines. Does not duplicate labels when two polylines share a common segment.
Perpendicular Offsets Video Perpendicular: Draws perpendicular dimensions from objects to a linear segment.
Label Polyline Data Video Polyline Data: Place custom labels for polyline area and perimeter. The labels are fields so they update as the polyline changes.
Label Slopes Video Slopes: Label slope parameters (such as degree of slope, ratios, distances) between two points in plan view.
  Tag Control: Multiple tools to manage Civil3D line and curve tags, including renumbering by selection, position along figures, etc.


      AC BC C3 IC
  Breakup: Breaks linear geometry (including polylines) and removes duplicate segments.
Parcel Deed Input Video Deed Input: Allows the input of deed calls (bearing/distance) along with curve options. All input is on the number pad for fast entry and the results are drawn as each segment is completed. You can save your input at any time, make changes and replay the script in case of bad input.
  Draw Polylines: Creates polylines along parcels matching origin and direction.
  Label: Adds parcel segment labels to a selection set of parcels.
Manager: Used to create named parcels from unnamed geometry and enter/edit parcel properties.
  Rename: Rename a selection set of parcels by specifying a find/replace string.
Report: Generates detailed parcel reports with user controlled columns.
  Select: Select parcels by area range, name or site (with wildcards).
Setbacks: Creates setback offsets with separate values for front, side, and back.
Shape Read: Reads an ESRI ShapeFile (Type Polygon) creating parcels and extended data.
Shape Write: Saves parcel geometry and extended data into a ESRI ShapeFile (Type Polygon).
  Site Report: Generates a report listing site, parcel, area and description.
Summary: Generates a consolidated report about multiple parcels.
Parcel Deed Reader Video Reader: Open a RTF, HTM or TXT file containing a legal description (or paste text from clipboard) and with a single click, the bearings & distances are parsed to a grid with coordinates and closure calculated. Most curves are detected, including support for radial-in, radial-out. For stubborn segments, our curve calculator is one click away. Once closure is acceptable another click draws the boundary in CAD.
  Tag Options: Control parcel tags, including renumbering by various methods.
Legal Description Writer Video Writer: Creates highly customizable Legal Descriptions directly from LDT/C3 Parcels or CAD geometry. Contains a fully featured word processor, or you can export the description to Microsoft Word in a single click.
Instant Results: Immediately upon selecting objects or a defined parcel, the results are shown to the right in our HTML compatible editor.
Real Closure: This small box in the lower left of the dialog is potentially the most important. As each description is being generated, the calls created are collected to calculate closure. These calls are re-traversed, as if the calls were manually entered into a traverse routine to check closure.
Objects Support: For quick legals, you can simply select a closed polyline or a collection of lines and arcs to form the boundary.
Commencement Paths: When you need to describe how to get to the beginning of the description, you can choose a multi-segment polyline or a collection of lines and arcs.
Acquire Descriptions: When the Legal Description Writer dialog appears, it collects all the potential descriptions from the drawing. This includes text and mtext objects, along with description attributes from point blocks.

When the legal is being created, and it gets to the end of a line/curve segment, it looks through the potential description collection for the closest description found. If it's within the designated distance, it is placed in the body of the legal (using the [PntDesc] field).

Expression Fields: Dozens of fields are defined to use as placeholders for everything from ArcLength to Time. Click the details button to the left for the full list.
Alignment Support: Fields are included allowing corners to reference a designated alignment. You can include the alignment name, the side (left/right) and the station and offset in the description.
Instead of using digits for the results, you can choose to use number words.
The [CardMaj] keyword returns four increments being Northerly, Easterly, Southerly, or Westerly. The [CardMin] keyword will return these four as well as Northeasterly, Southeasterly, Southwesterly, and Northwesterly.
Defaults: Set default values for legal descriptions. Easily build string templates by typing, then choose your fields with a pulldown that explains what each keyword is. With our template design with fields, you have total control over the results. You control every word of every sentence, including subtle details like bold, underline, etc.


      AC BC C3 IC
  Connect Feature: Creates a 3d FeatureLine or 3dPoly through a selection set of pipes.
  Draw Solids: Draws 3dSolids or Circles with thickness to represent a 3d version of selected pipes and structures.
  Network Convert: Converts linear geometry with object data to pipe networks.
  Network Import: Import pipe networks from external file formats.
Pipe Quick Edit Video Quick Edit: Hover over pipe networks for information and make quick changes. Works in plan or profile view.
  Segment Props: Place customizable curve labels using a single pick (arc or polyarc segment) or any three points.
Set References: Sets the referenced alignment and/or surface for a selection set of pipes and structures along with associated labels (in 2013 or higher). Pipe network objects can be selected in plan or profile view.


      AC BC C3 IC
AutoFormat: Optionally specify multiple description codes to match. When matched, the program will format the points as you have determined including placing the insert and all point attributed on specific layers. You can also scale (relative to the main insert scale) and rotate the point.
Raw/Full: A Description Replacement Table allows for separate raw/full point descriptions. In other words use IP in the raw description and it generates Iron Pin in the full description. Point report contains optional columns for both.
Difference: Calculates elevation difference between points and a surface with an optional alignment reference. Results can be added as extended data to the existing point, or new points created at the difference value.
Radial: Add multiple points at a specified distance around a point.
Single: Add single points based on known or picked coordinates.
  Interpolated: Creates all qualifying points on line using two points, beginning elevation and increment.
Offsets on Line: Add multiple points that are offsets of a line defined by two points.
On Grid: Add multiple points evenly spaced on a rectangular grid.
On Intersections: Add multiple points at the intersections of linear geometry.
  On Line: Add multiple points (with interpolated elevation) between two points.
On Objects: Add multiple points on the vertices of CAD objects.
  On Slope: Add a point at a picked location with elevation calculated at designated slope.
  Attributes: Modify, erase, and change various properties of point attributes.
Auto Draw: Automatically connects field points with 2D or 3D linework and symbols. Generates 2DPoly, 2DPolyFit, 3DPoly, Spline or C3 feature objects as controlled by the user for each code.

• Supports Autodesk Fieldbook, Carlson FTF, Eagle Point Coding, Trimble TGO, AASHTO SDMS Figure Code or Generic Connect methods.
• Works straight from selected point objects in the drawing or an external point file.
• Handles curve codes to form arc segments on 2DPolys or automatically graded segmented 3DPolys.
• Establish reusable definition files for different projects or clients.

Blocks: Converts blocks in the current drawing to system points.
  Explode: Converts by temporarily exploding objects and obtaining properties.
  Leaders: Converts leaders with associated or nearby text to system points.
  Nodes: Converts nodal objects (like circles, inserts, points) to system points.
Text: Converts text objects in the drawing to application points with the ability to obtain the coordinates from adjacent geometry such as points, inserts, circles or even crossing lines.
Description Keys: Allows management, import and export of description keys, including direct XLSx read and write.
  Rotate at Node: Rotates selected points at their insertion point.
  Zoom All: Zooms the display to show all points.
Zoom To: Zooms to a specified point with controllable scale factor.
DWG Import: Imports points from multiple point database formats into the current drawing. On 2013 or higher, extended fields become point user defined properties (automatically created using file headings).        
Average: Averages selected points with analysis allowing creation of average point.
Clusters: Analyzes multiple clusters of points and removes all but one point in each cluster.
Delete Dups: Deletes duplicates points based on same or close coordinates.
  Elevation Offset: Raises (or lowers) a selection set of points by a specified amount.
  GeomSnap: Moves points that have a position on or very near existing geometry to the designated snap (such as endpoint).
Organize: Organize points into layers and/or groups while optionally assigning styles.
Snap (Line): Moves points perpendicular to designated linear segments, snapping the point to the line.
Snap (Geometry): Snaps points to nearby geometry with XYZ acquire options.
Spreadsheet: Allows single or mass changes to point data in a spreadsheet grid.
Transform: Performs rotation, scale and translate based on relationships between points.
Export: Exports designated points to supported file formats, including a dedicated tool for exporting ESRI Shapefiles with point information.
Combine: Combines multiple point files into a single target file.
Compare: Compares two point files with detailed comparison report.
Convert Multiple: Converts multiple point files to a designated target format.
Convert Text: Converts a single text file (space, comma, tab delimited) to defined format.
View/Print: Quickly view point files with details as file is clicked.
Groups: Manage point groups including adding, deleting, renaming and more. Quickly add/remove points by description match, elevation range, inside linear object or window, number range, etc.
Harvest: Harvests all points from a folder (and subfolders) or selected files. The source files can be CAD drawing files or any point database format the application can read. Output to CSV, KML for Google Earth or HTM reports including used/unused ranges and duplicate reports.
  Hyperlink: Generates hyperlinks on the point to image files referenced in the description.
Import: Imports points from multiple point databases into the current drawing, including a dedicated tool for importing ESRI Shapefiles containing points. If extended fields are present, the data becomes xdata on the points, easily edited using MapWorks extended data tools.
  Compare: Compare two point groups including all points that reside within a specified search radius.
  Inverse: Inverses between points with distance, delta and slope details.
    Status: Returns information about the status of points (such as next number) in the current drawing.
Table: Places an updateable point table in the drawing (table object) and fills it with qualifying points. Optionally include lat/long columns or reference an alignment and show station/offsets.
Leaders: Automatically extends the labels of selected CogoPoints using various methods, including radial for clusters.
Report: Generates detailed point reports with user controlled columns. Includes Lat/Lon and alignment station/offset fields. Save entire report as HTML or data table only to CSV, DBF, XML, etc. Also include extended point data columns!
  Rotate: Rotate multiple points (in place) to angle of adjacent geometry.
  Select: Select points by alignment buffer, duplicates, number range, raw or full description, elevation range, or surface (above, below, equal).
Stakeout: Generates a customizable report based on a specified setup and backsight point.
'PN2 & 'PN3: At any CAD point prompt (such as circle center) enter the short transparent command and enter a single or range of points. Draw any CAD linear object in seconds between points!
'SO2 & 'SO3: Select a linear object and enter a station/offset.

Traverse: Allows typed entry of raw traverse data and importing from multiple formats. User configurable editor allows quick and easy entry of traverses in angle right, azimuth, deflection, bearing & distance and more. Define loops and calculate closure. Plots resulting points and optional traverse and sideshot lines. Imports raw data files.
• DotSoft Raw Data (*.drd)
• AASHTO SDMS Project (*.prj)
• Autodesk Fieldbook (*.fbk)
• Leica GSI Raw Data (*.gsi)
  • MinePro Loop (*.lup)
• Sokkia SDR (*.sdr)
• Topcon FC-6/GTS-7 (*.gts7)
• Tripod Data Systems (*.rw5)
Load Formats   Save Formats
• AGT ProCogo Files (*.cgo;*.cgx)
• AASHTO SDMS Calculated File (*.cal)
• Autodesk Land Desktop (*.mdb)
• Autodesk Uploadable File (*.auf)
• C&G Survey Coordinates (*.crd)
• Carlson Survey/SurvCADD (*.crd)
• CivilSoft Coordinates (*.pro)
• Comma Separated Ascii (*.csv)
• Excel OpenXML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
• LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• Leica GSI Coordinate Extraction (*.gsi)
• Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls)
• Simplicity Point File (*.zak)
• TDS Binary Coordinate Files (*.cr5)
• TDS Binary JOB File (*.job)
• Trimble JOB XML File (*.jxl)
  • AASHTO SDMS Calculated File (*.cal)
• ASCII Text File (*.txt)
• Autodesk Uploadable File (*.auf)
• Carlson Survey/SurvCADD (*.crd)
• CivilSoft Coordinates (*.pro)
• Comma Separated Ascii (*.csv)
• dBase Database File (*.dbf)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• Drawing Script File (*.scr)
• Excel OpenXML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
• ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
• LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls)
• TDS (Tripod Data Systems) (*.cr5)

If you don't see your format listed, contact us. We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.



      AC BC C3 IC
  File Export: Export to CSV or DWG/DXF for Slide2 and SlopeW stability apps.
Label: Annotate grade, slope, or ratio of selected profile slopes by simply picking on the segment in profile view.

Objects: Creates a profile view from a path and object intersection points. Path can be defined by picked points or a selected linear object.

Polyline: Creates a profile view from a single selected 3dPolyline. No surfaces required, simply pick the 3dPoly and insertion point for the profile view. If a profile view of the selected object already exists, it will be update on subsequent processing.

Sample: Creates a profile view from one (or more) sampled surfaces. Simply designate a path and select any number of surfaces.
Sta/Elev Draw: Quick draw profiles from station/elevation data (picked figures), surfaces etc.


      AC BC C3 IC
Systems: Includes support for all major systems, including LL27, LL84, NAD27, NAD83, HARN, etc. Optionally zoom to system extents, turn on GEOMARKERVISIBILITY, and set the drawing units (feet/meters) to match the selected system.
  Alt Coords: A system allowing entry and labeling of a second system. For example if your current drawing is in state plane, you can easily enter values in lat/long or place updatable labels displaying the alternate system.  You can even copy the labels and the alternate coordinates update on demand.

Set System: Set the current alternate coordinate system system code.
Grid Draw: Draws a bound collection grid lines (or tics) and labels in an alternate coordinate system.
Coord Entry: Enter an alternate coordinate any time CAD is prompting for a point using the transparent 'AC command.
Label Add: Add an alternative coordinate label at multiple pick points with update options.
Geom Report: Generate a report of selected objects with drawing and alternate coordinates (with or without elevations).
  PointUDP: Creates dynamically updated alternate coordinate point UDP on Cogo points.
Block Place: Place inserts into the drawing at projected locations from files containing lat/long values. Additional fields in the file are mapped to block attributes.
Convert Lat/Long: Reads lat/long text files (DD/DMS), projects to designated coordinate system and writes to point file.
Coord Entry: Enter or pick coordinates which are projected and listed. Convert between any two systems, even data shifts of NAD27 <> NAD83.
DMS <> DD: Convert numeric values between degrees, minutes and seconds to degree decimal. Allows for quick copying to the clipboard or pasting into the CAD engines command prompt.
Drawing Harvest: Harvests multiple drawing extents and properties (DWGPROPS), creates output drawings or reports. Export to Google Earth (KML) with preview thumbnail or web ready reports (HTM) and more.
Excel Parse: Projects coordinates in an Excel spreadsheet and writes the projected values to adjacent columns.
Find System: Helps determine a drawings coordinate system by finding those bounding a selected point. Also creates KML file to visually pin point system.
  GeoCoding: Uses the internet to determine Lat/long from entered address or obtain address information from pick point with position markers placed.
GNIS Query: Uses the internet to query the Geographic Names Information System with plotting options.
  Google Maps: Various tools for Google Maps (in browser) such as display points, directions (two pick points), street view.
GPS Track: Real time GPS tracking with marker and track data collection, voice guidance, alignment and surface information.
  Inverse: Geodetic Inverse, reports planar and spherical (haversine) bearing and distance.
LandXML: Projects a LandXML file to a new selected coordinate system.
  Markers: Various tools to process GeoMarkers including quick add (on objects), convert nodal objects and reporting.
  Open Street Maps:
Import: Imports OpenStreetMap geometry by simply windowing an area inside the drawing.
Set View: Displays OpenStreetMap in your browser with the current drawings viewport.
Set System: Sets the coordinate system for current drawing. This information is saved inside the drawing.
  Slippy Tiles: Draws polyline rectangles showing the extents of TMS slippy tiles at a specified zoom level.
Tracker: Tracks the coordinates of the CAD cursor in multiple coordinate systems. Optionally outputs coordinates on ID command ending.
Transform: Projects a selection set of geometry from one coordinate system to another in the current drawing.


      AC BC C3 IC

Connect: Form sections in the model by automatically connecting points crossing alignments. Quick connect of field points when sections are shot in the field, has tolerance fields for cases where the points deflect from exact right angles.
Generate: Generates (or updates) section view blocks from section polylines in the model. The block approach has numerous advantages over a loose collection of drawing objects in model space.

Insert: Insert multiple sections into the drawing with options. Create vertical stacks or sheet arrays ready for plotting.
Properties: Change alignment, series or station value of a section plan view polyline.
  Quick Capture: Captures the (otherwise temporary) results of the Civil3D Quick Section command and renames objects to secure them for subsequent executions of the command.
  Report: Exports station, offset, northing, easting and surface elevation at specified intervals (like -10,0,10) or all points where the sample line intersects the triangles of the surface.
Review: Quickly review generated sections with options for export to drawing, export image, copy to clipboard, etc.
Sample Label: Sample Lines or Section Views with slope arrows and/or minimum or maximim elevations.
Sample Lidar: Applies section sample lines to a lidar file to pick up data band.
  Sample Line:
Export: Exports point number, offsets and elevations to applications like HEC-RAS.
Extend: Extends/trims SampleLines based on various options.
Report: Exports station, offset, northing, easting and surface elevation at specified intervals (like -10,0,10) or all points where the sample line intersects the triangles of the surface.
Rename: Rename sample lines alpha sequential (A-A'), number sequential or by station. Also allows prefix and suffix strings.

Sample Objects: Form sections in the model by intersecting objects left/right of the alignment. Create sections directly from contour polylines.

Sample Surface: Form sections in the model by sampling one or more predefined surface at specified increments, including randomly specified stations. Increments can be automatically built by station/interval or to match another series.
  Section View:
  Commands: Move section views to alignment position, etc.
  Resize: Resize section views with new offsets and elevation values.
View Select: Select a section to view or jog with radio controls.
View Select: Select a section to view or jog with radio controls.


      AC BC C3 IC
Direction: Set the direction of a selection set to clockwise or counterclockwise.
Elevations: Flatten or raise/lower selected faces.
Edges: Temporarily display all edges or turn on/off edges of a selection set.
Location: Creates a properly elevated Cogo point at the picked point, based on the surrounding 3dTriangle.
Normals: Draw line objects representing the face normals of triangular faces.
Offsets: Offset selected 3dFaces.
Point: Snaps the closest vertices of faces to a picked point.
Stats: Returns statistics (including slope area) a selection set.
SubDivide: Subdivides selected 3dFaces into smaller units for smoothing.
Catchment Report: Generates a detailed report of selected catchments with control over report columns, single click export to Excel, etc.
  Commands: Various processes on multiple surfaces such as rebuild, snapshot, etc.
Color Range: Assigns a color to a selection set of 3dFaces based on a selected parameter.

Contour Create: Create contours from drawing objects, triangulation or grid files with options. The resulting geometry can be polylines or splines placed into separate designated major/minor layers. Optionally label contours automatically with linetypes that don't break the contour. Choose from two methods, triangulation (faster) or rectangular grid (smoother).
Label Contours Video Contour Label: Labels contours using options such as ends, individual or multiple. On BC/C3 works with system ContourLabels, On AC/IC uses background masked mtext objects that are field based meaning you can move or copy and the value will change on the next regen.
Cross Section Conversion Video Convert Sections: Convert cross sections to plan view 3dPolys along an alignment and optional surface. Requires a centerline alignment and sections (as polylines).
Convert File: Reads a grid, tin, or csv points file and converts to any supported format.
  Convert Type: Convert a TinSurface to a GridSurface and vice-versa. The original surface remains and can optionally be removed by the user.
Data Report: Reports details about surfaces such as area by slope range.
  Delete Points: Deletes multiple points from a selected surface based on rules such as relative position.

Drape Objects: Drapes a selection set of objects (3DFACE, ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, IMAGE (AutoCAD only), INSERT, LINE, MTEXT, POINT, POLYLINE, SPLINE, or TEXT) onto a surface.
  Elevation Labels:
Alignment: Adds labels along alignments at specified station parameters and multiple offsets.
Convert: Convert a selection set of inserts, points, text/mtext or AeccPoints to surface elevation labels.
Duplicate: Duplicates selected elevation labels to current layer and selected surface.
Export: Export a selection set of elevation labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Import: Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating elevation labels at designated locations.
High/Low: Adds labels at the high and low points of a selected surface.
Objects: Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects.
Rotate: Rotates selected elevation labels to angles of adjacent geometry segments or a relative angle.
Stats: Places a static mtext label reflecting the min/max/avg elevation of a selection set of ElevLabels.
Export: Quickly export multiple selected surfaces to separate files.
Extract: Quickly extract borders, contours (major & minor), faces, or points from multiple selected surfaces.

Grade Poly: Generates a 3DPoly at a designed grade on a surface. After picking the initial point it shows possible directions (there is usually two) and prompt for the starting direction. When the looking forward grade cannot be determined it prompts for direction which allows for switchbacks on steep slopes.

Grade Vectors: Generates 3D Vectors and information from block insert pointers and attributes.
Grid Create: Creates a grid file from drawing geometry or existing TIN file. Optionally process multiple layers to create multiple surfaces.
Grid Editor: Allows opening, single or mass edits in our spreadsheet, and saving of a grid surface.
  Grid Reconstruct: Recreate a grid file from ortho drawing geometry such as points, lines, or 3dfaces.
  Import Files: Imports multiple surfaces (TIN or GRID) from multiple selected files.
Manager: A collection of tools to manipulate project surfaces. Allows for statistics, renaming, exporting of Tins, Grids, and Points, etc.
File Review: Review surface files showing specifications with zoom, show, label options.
Mass Points: Import multiple Lidar files (including binary LAS, LAZ (Compressed LAS), Leica Cyclone*.PTS, PCD & XYZ/XYZi) or any supported surface format with data reducing constraints. Projects points between coordinate systems. Isolate by bounding object, elevation ranges, and interval. Reduces data burden by as much as 90%+ without sacrificing quality. Output to drawing points, external file or directly to a surface.

Additional Lidar tools include:
  Combine: Combines multiple lidar files into a single compressed LAZ file.
  Convert: Convert multiple surface file formats to Lidar LAZ files.
  Color: Assigns colors to lidar points based on loaded aerial images.
  Crop: Crops a LAS/LAZ file at the extents of a selected object, creating a new file.
  Edit: Various tools to edit LAS/LAZ files inside the CAD engine.
  Ground: Uses downloaded reference surface to add ground classifications to Lidar files.
  List: Detailed report in browser of point count, coordinate window, elevation min/max, etc.
  Make: Creates a lidar file from points on entities (including surfaces).
  Pads: Generates polylines of areas where holes exist in lidar such as bldg pads.
Plot: Plots selected lidar files as point objects in the drawing.
  Project: Projects lidar from a source to target coordinate system, saves as a different file name.
  Rotate: Rotates a Lidar file based on a rotation angle.
  Scale: Scales a Lidar file in XY, Z or ZYZ based on parameters.
  Split: Splits a single large lidar tile into multiple smaller files.
Tiles: Quickly draw and label the 3D bounding box of a selection of binary Lidar LAS/LAZ files.
  Offset Average: Returns information about (perpendicular) distance between two surfaces.
Offset Options: Creates an offset surface from an existing TinSurface using one of multiple methods.
  Offset Surface: Creates a perpendicular offset TInSurface from small (design) surfaces using SURFOFFSET.
Pad Design Video Pad Design: Generates a 3d (building) pad from a simple polyline at the desired elevation, including automatic daylighting to existing ground. Simply specify parameters and select the geometry.
Pond Design: Design a pond using a starting featureline, specified side slopes and desired volume. Creates the other featureline, two TinSurfaces and a VolumeSurface.
  Pond Spill: Determines contours up to spill point and creates a polycontour group ready for stage table or graphs.

Plot File: Draws a grid or triangulation surface as Points, 3DLines, 3DFaces, or a 3DPolymesh with many options including limit boundaries, borders, elevation ranges, etc. Also project coordinates between systems and do vertical exaggeration, detects many file coordinate systems automatically.
  Point Export: Export unique xyz points of a select selection set of objects to a CSV file.
Processor: Processes one or more surfaces to create other surfaces by factors or elevation analysis (min elev, etc).
Slope Labels:
Add: Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects.
Convert: Convert a selection set of inserts, leaders (from LDT), points, text or AeccPoints to slope labels.
Export: Export a selection set of slope labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Import: Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating slope labels at designated locations.
High/Low: Adds slope labels at the high and low points of a selected surface.
List: Create report of north, east, slope, style and more. Output to drawing tables, external (CSV) files and more.
Offset: Add slope labels along a selected linear object. Options for begin/ending stations, interval and left/right offsets.
Style: Assign styles to a selection set of slope labels by designated ranges.
Solid Make: Creates a 3dSolid using relative depth, absolute elevation, or a second surface.
  Solid Split: Split 3dSolids into two surfaces at specified elevation.

Spot Anno: Draws spot elevations, slope arrows, etc. Includes the ability to use separate colors for positive/negative values on difference grids.
Statistics: Collects statistics on selected surface (including extended info like plane/surface area) with numerous outputs (file save, list, mtext, table, etc).
   Tag Figures:
Tag Boundaries: Tag objects as exterior/interior boundaries to limit extents on surface models and contours, etc.
Tag Breaklines: Tag objects as hard or soft breaklines to constrain surface models and contours, etc.
Template Design: Design 3D features such as roadways & ditches using section templates. Simply draw your section in a block definition and this tool will project it along your path object to form a 3D geometry model. Edge rays are automatically trimmed at the intersection of the surface.
Tin Create: Creates a triangulated irregular network file from drawing geometry.
Tin Reconstruct: Recreates a TIN file from drawing geometry such as PolyMeshes or 3dFaces.
Trim: Trims a Tin or Grid surface to a linear object boundary. Actually reduces (trims) the data from the surface, not just a mask.
Volumes Incremental: Calculates horizontal slice volumes at multiple specified elevations on a surface.
Volumes Standard: Calculate quick prismoidal volumes from various sources including CAD layers with printable report.
Web Elevations: Creates a surface (or insert/export points) with the elevations returned by the Bing, Google, or the USGS Elevation Service.
Load Cloud Formats   Save Cloud Formats
• ASTM E57 Point Cloud (*.e57)
• Autodesk Point Cloud File (*.pcg)
• Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
  • Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
Load Grid Formats   Save Grid Formats
• Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcGrid Floating Point (*.adf)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.asc)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• NGA Digital Terrain Elev Data Level 0-2 (*.dt#)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd)
• USGS Digital Elevation Model (*.dem)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
  • Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.agr)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd)
• USGS Digital Elevation Model (*.dem)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
Load TIN Formats   Save TIN Formats
• Autodesk Binary TIN/PNT (*.tin)
• Carlson Binary TIN (*.tin)
• ESRI ADF TinSurface (tdenv.adf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• Leica Terrain Model (*.trm)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• Trimble Tin Model (*.ttm)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)
  • Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)

If you don't see your format listed, contact us. We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.


Summary Information

Stay Updated: The application checks for updates and quickly downloads patches and new functionality!

Requires (one of the following):

• AutoCAD 2015-2025 (excluding LT)
• Autodesk Civil3D 2015-2025
• BricsCAD v20-v25 Pro+ Windows
• IntelliCAD 10.0-13.0 Windows

  Does not work on AutoCAD LT Does not work on NanoCAD No Mac Version Available No Mac Version Available

Product Support: Email Support Only:

MapWorks Pricing:
Platform Version Part Number Price Demo Description
AutoCAD (No LT) 2015+ 5025.006.101 $295 Request For plain AutoCAD 2015 thru 2025. Uses dynamic blocks for points, polylines for Alignments and Contours. Uses Extended (XDATA) for user-defined properties. Uses the Autodesk projection engine for coordinate systems.
Autodesk Civil3D 2015+ 5025.006.111 $295 Request For Civil3D 2015 thru 2025. Uses Civil3D Alignment, CogoPoint, Parcels, Profiles, Section, Surface, and other objects. Read/Write Map3D ObjectData or PropertySet data. Uses the Autodesk projection engine for coordinate systems.
BricsCAD Civil v24 5025.006.121 $295 Request For BricsCAD v24-v25 Pro+. Uses BricsCAD Alignment, Surface, and Point objects. Read/Write BricsCAD GIS Data. Uses the BricsCAD projection engine for coordinate systems.
BricsCAD Legacy v20+ 5025.006.131 $295 Request For BricsCAD v20-v25 Pro. Uses dynamic blocks for points, polylines for Alignments and Contours. Uses Extended (XDATA) for user defined properties. Uses our own projection engine with hundreds of named systems.
IntelliCAD 10.0+ 10.0+ 5025.006.141 $295 Request For IntelliCAD 10.0-13.0. Uses dynamic blocks for points, polylines for Alignments and Contours. Uses Extended (XDATA) for user defined properties. Uses our own projection engine with hundreds of named systems.
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