These system variables are not documented but are still very useful.
Command: _PKSER (Returns the AutoCAD serial number)
Command: _VERNUM (Returns details about the installed version)
See a more complete list at ManuSoft’s site.
These system variables are not documented but are still very useful.
Command: _PKSER (Returns the AutoCAD serial number)
Command: _VERNUM (Returns details about the installed version)
See a more complete list at ManuSoft’s site.
By default, AutoCAD does not display images (only the border) during most pan/zoom operations . If you would like to display images in these cases, change the RTDISPLAY system variable to 0.
This little known command has a special purpose. One case is when you have just created a block definition and want the source objects back. Using an UNDO would undo the newly created block, the OOPS command brings the object back without undoing the block.
A second (more likely) case is when you simply want to undelete the last object(s) that were erased, without undoing.
We recently received a users drawing and found it to be redrawing and regenerating *extremely* slowly. After a while we discovered that the VIEWRES was set to 20000 !!! While there may be instances where you need to bump it up a little, don’t use a higher number than necessary.
Issue the VIEWRES command and answer Yes to the fast zooms, then enter the smallest number that gives smooth circles at most zoom levels. If you zoom in tight and circles don’t look round simply issue the REGEN command. You should be able to use 200 to 500 with good results. This value is stored in the drawing.
If you would prefer not to see the starting splash screen which (to us) *feels* like it slows down the startup, follow this procedure.
Make sure there is a space before and after the switch. For Bricscad users, put in /l instead.
If you have installed a newer version of AutoCAD (2012 or higher) you may have noticed a significant lag on the crosshair when you first launch. AutoCAD is background loading the ribbon panels to make the switching faster. If you would rather have your delays on the ribbon click, then type RIBBONBGLOAD at the command prompt and enter 0.
For AutoCAD users 2013 and higher, imagine an AutoCAD command line that starts up *instantly* and will let you open files, make changes and save the file. The new Core Console has been referred to as a ‘headless AutoCAD’ since it does not show the graphics editor (and all the interface burdon that comes with it, such as the ribbon). It is the perfect environment for running scripts since they typically don’t require any user interaction anyway.
The AcCoreConsole.exe is in the primary AutoCAD folder, you may want to consider creating a shortcut to it from the desktop. You will also find more information on the Core Console at the following URL (Kean Walmsley’s Through the Interface Blog).
Many users are not aware of this tool because it’s not on the menus inside AutoCAD. Instead use Start > All Programs > Autodesk > AutoCAD and you will find a shortcut. If you need additional control take a look at ToolPac’s Repath tool at
To add an attribute to a block that’s already defined (and used) in the drawing, simply issue the BEDIT command, select the block defined and use the ATTDEF command. It’s likely you will want to turn on the “Align below previous attribute definition” toggle. Then close the Block Editor and Save Changes.
The most important consideration now is that existing inserts don’t have a placeholder for your new attribute! AutoCAD’s built in ATTSYNC command can correct this. Issue the command, press enter to <Select> and pick any insert of your block, press enter to confirm. All the instances of your insert now display the newly added attribute with the default value. You can now simply double-click an insert to change the value in the enhanced attribute editor.
This controls whether AutoCAD picks the elevation of the snap point, the default being 0 (use the Z value). If you change the variable setting to 1, AutoCAD will use the value of the ELEVATION system variable instead. This can be very useful in an elevated drawing when you don’t want newly drawn geometry to take on the elevations of the existing geometry.
Don’t forget to set it back if you need to snap to elevations, for example when drawing 3dPolylines.