A common desire for Civil3D users is the ability to export the contents of the civil tables, which are not standard CAD tables. However, the copy to clipboard approach results in an image that (while better than nothing) will not allow data extraction by other applications. We’ve had this capability in our C3DTools add-on for years but since everyone doesn’t have a budget for add-ons, we chose to chip this one off as freeware.

Since the tool in C3DTools contained multiple output options, we included them as well. Here is an example of the provided ribbon and a table of the tools we considered needed for the task.

Tool Description
Browser Output is sent to your default browser as an HTML document.  This allows direct printing or inclusion in web projects.
Copy Output is sent to the Windows clipboard, ready to paste into any application that accepts tabular information.
Excel Output is sent directly to Microsoft Excel.  If Excel is not open an ready, a new session will be started.
List Output is simply sent to the AutoCAD command prompt.  Useful when command logging is active to include table content.
Mtext Output is sent to an AutoCAD Mtext object with each cell in a row separated by a tab.  You may have to adjust column widths after.
Save Output is sent to a file of the designated format.  Currently supports CSV, HTM and XML formats.
Table Output is sent to an AutoCAD Table object.  Useful to convert Civil Tables to plain CAD tables.
Word Output is sent directly to Microsoft Word (as a table).  If Word is not open an ready, a new session will be started.

This means you can now instantly copy the content of Civil3D tables to the target format or application. Simply choose the output option, select the civil table and it appears in the target application (or a file if an output format was chosen).

Download CivilTableTools (Supports 2015-2024):

Zip File Instructions:

  1. Extract the ZIP contents to a folder (like D:\CADSTUFF).
  2. Start Civil3D (if not already running).
  3. Issue the NETLOAD command.
  4. Browse to the folder from line one above.
  5. Choose the appropriate DLL for your CAD version.
  6. Click the [Open] button.

Zip File Notes:

  • If you have problems NETLOADing, you may need to unblock the DLLs using Windows Explorer.
  • After the first manual load, the add-on will automatically load for subsequent sessions.
  • Netloading from network drives may fail, consider using a local drive/path (like D:\CADSTUFF).
  • All Civil3D sessions must be closed before DLLs can be deleted or updated.
  • You can safely delete any TableTools20##.dll you are not using.
Revision Description
20220804 Added initial version.
20220806 Added placeholder text [123] for color swatches in some tables.
20220913 Trapped eInvalidInput error on some tables, now preserves multiple line cells.
20230223 Trapped error that occurred when the first column contained swatches instead of text content.
20230512 Included new TableExport2024.dll for Civil3D 2024 compatibility.
20240625 Included new TableExport2025.dll for Civil3D 2025 compatibility.

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