The US Army Corps or Engineers produces a nice collection of CAD Standards, which includes numerous symbols, linetypes and hatch patterns. Use the link below for more information.
The US Army Corps or Engineers produces a nice collection of CAD Standards, which includes numerous symbols, linetypes and hatch patterns. Use the link below for more information.
These system variables are not documented but are still very useful.
Command: _PKSER (Returns the AutoCAD serial number)
Command: _VERNUM (Returns details about the installed version)
See a more complete list at ManuSoft’s site.
By default, AutoCAD does not display images (only the border) during most pan/zoom operations . If you would like to display images in these cases, change the RTDISPLAY system variable to 0.
This little known command has a special purpose. One case is when you have just created a block definition and want the source objects back. Using an UNDO would undo the newly created block, the OOPS command brings the object back without undoing the block.
A second (more likely) case is when you simply want to undelete the last object(s) that were erased, without undoing.