Tables can now be broken into multiple parts but still be part of the same table. At the bottom of every table object is a triangular grip. Simply click and drag this grip to set the breaking height for the table.
Sometimes settings (such as FILEDIA) can cause certain routines to ask for a file name at the command prompt. In these cases you can enter the tilde ~ character followed by enter to bring up the file selection dialog.
When you press F2 and look back at the command history, you may notice that at some point it stops. The default number of lines is set to 400. On early versions of AutoCAD you could change it in the preferences dialog. Unfortunately 2000 and higher has regressed. You have to use a to lisp expression setting.
A popular inquiry from AutoCAD users is how to plot a drawing to a raster file (or bitmap/picture). This is often in response to the need to provide a ‘picture’ of the drawing without actually providing the DWG, or perhaps a drawing is to be displayed in a web page.
When you paste pie/bar graphs from Excel into AutoCAD, they can exhibit all the problems of a typical OLE insert, including plot rotation, etc. Use this procedure to ‘shake off’ the OLE.
- In Excel, copy your graph to the clipboard.
- In AutoCAD, issue the PASTESPEC command, choose Excel Chart, your only choice at this point.
- In AutoCAD, right click on the chart and choose CUT.
- In AutoCAD, issue the PASTESPEC command again, choose AutoCAD entities.
- Erase the outer border and background solid to reveal a good looking collection of native geometry.