Users often come across usable code they want to add to their systems but don’t know how to proceed. You may obtain a file with the extension LSP, VLX, DVB, etc. Another case is lisp code in the form of text. In this case we need to get it into a file with this first procedure.
Inline LSP Code to File:
- Highlight the text in the source window (email, newsgroup reader).
- Right click and choose Copy.
- Open a Notepad or any pure ASCII editor.
- Right click and choose Paste.
- Choose File > Save As.
- Choose an appropriate folder and enter the name “FILENAME.LSP” including the quotation marks. Otherwise Notepad will name the file FILENAME.LSP.TXT, which won’t work.
Also, it’s highly recommended that you create a dedicated folder (like C:CADSTUFF) to place these files. If you place them in the AutoCAD folder they may be removed if you upgrade/reinstall.
Adding functions to Startup:
- Command: APPLOAD
- Choose the (Contents) button in the Startup Suite.
- Choose the (Add) button, then browse to the location of the code file and select it.
- Choose the (Close) button to close the Startup Suite.
- Choose the (Close) button to close the Appload Dialog.
From this point forward, the commands defined in these code files should be available in future sessions without needing to load them each time.