When we worked up our procedure for importing Lidar into Civil3D, we realized there were way too many steps and way too many hoops to jump through. Hoops preparing the data, through Recap to prepare a RCP/RCS, through Civil3D creating a point cloud, and finally creating the surface. Highly trained professionals have more important things to do with their time than spend it like a well trained circus animal jumping through hoops, so we did something about it.
When gravity and moisture begins to work on steep slopes (disturbed or natural) the results are often less than optimal and slides occur. This can present the need to install anchor bolts and plates going from the loose surface to a more stable rock strata underneath. Boreholes can help determine the location of the stable strata, but from the surface it’s not readily apparent how far (on a given slope) you will need to drill to reach the stable member. Read More →
Like many things in Civil3D, they can be done but how it’s done isn’t so obvious. In the process of adding a DEM surface to your drawing you may notice that you can’t project it to another coordinate system (that of the drawing). Here is a step-by-step procedure including assigning a coordinate system to the current drawing.
Civil3D users notice that sometimes they can delete a surface by right clicking it’s name in the Prospector tab of the Toolspace, and sometimes they can’t (here’s one reason at least).