We are occasionally asked why our products don’t directly import point ascii files.

Keep in mind that TXT/ASC files can contain anything (even the paragraphs of this post content) so we process it differently.  We have a Point > File > Convert Text which handles any text file, regardless of the delimiter.  It lets you preview the content, specify the delimiter and column order then parse the results into a defined point format.

If your ascii files are P,N,E,Z,D you can simply change the extension to .AUF and the program would read the files directly.

The Coordinate System Select dialog has been improved.  The system location panel is now a floating map viewer, when you select a system from the list it will zoom to the extents of the selected system.  This allows closer examination of the extents of the system, not just the location on a global map.  The rectangular coordinate system area is now filled to make it easier to see.

While the view is displayed, these controls are available.

  • Use the mouse wheel to scroll the map in/out.
  • Press the left mouse button and drag to pan the map as needed.


Allows the input of deed calls (bearing/distance) along with curve options. All input is on the number pad for fast entry and the results are drawn as each segment is completed. You can save your input at any time, make changes and replay the script in case of bad input.

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This new tool builds insertable images from web sources such as TMS (Tile Map Service) and WMS (Web Map Service) servers.  In TMS mode you can produce plan view maps, satellite imagery or terrain images.  In WMS mode you can specify any server, get its capabilities and generate an image of a specified pixel size from selected layers.

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This new tool labels contours using options such as ends, individual or multiple.  The mtext objects generated are field based.  That means you can move or copy the labels and the value will change on the next regeneration.  The labels also have the background mask turned on, meaning it will hide the underlying contour without any damage.

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